You got your 1st haircut this weekend. I brought you in for your appointment, and I was told that you would need to be shaved basically (aka Bad Mommy for not taking you in sooner for the matting). I don't think I prepared myself for what you would REALLY look like when you came out a few hours later. I told them that I preferred you with about at least an inch or two of hair, but they could not make any promises. It also depended on how much you wiggled. Shit. You were destined to be shaved.
I come to pick you up, and they tell me that they were able to keep about an inch and a 1/2 all over but a few places are pretty choppy but you look REALLY handsome. They go to the back and bring you up after you have heard me speak, and are now barking. I know your bark, like a mother knows their child's cry. I KNOW your bark. After all, you have never been afraid to use it...how could I NOT know? You are a very opinionated dog if I may add. But that is besides the point. You walk out, and I am 100% sure that you are NOT my dog. It almost felt as if we didn't know each other. You looked as if you had been violated. Your eyes bled emotions of timid, scared and sad. I was sad, too. You looked nakey! I soon realized it was really you when you started doing your usual "I know where we are in the car" barking. But I knew this wasn't the time to show my emotions, as you would pick up on everything I was feeling. Instead, I tried to make you feel as handsome as possible on the way home as you rested your muzzle on the center armrest that you have made your official headrest when you are going for a ride in the green machine. As the night went on, I became much more adjusted to your new look, and you began to grow confidence. Now, you LOVE your new-do. You stay cool, and can play for hours. Before you were overheated after 30 minutes. You are soft, and I love petting you. And you really know how to work the ears now, because they didn't really trim those at all. You are a cute little fuzzy butt. But I love you, bald or scraggly and matted, because I'm your mommy. Daddy and I took you to DogFest the next day, and saw another doodle that we swore was you. But we knew we had the right dog. You loved us. And we love you, and always will. So if you feel bald or naked at the dog park with your friends, know deep down your mommy and daddy still love you. You are loved, always and forever.

Is it possible that my nephew looks bad naked? nah! I think he looks GREAT!!!